Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Send me your Astronomical theories here guys!


Anonymous said...

Could Pluto once was Neptune's Major moon but fell out of its orbit due to a major collision,and thus formed Charon,S1,S2?

Anonymous said...

Could Jupiter have been a star but due to major collisions in the Early Solar System allow more than half of its gas to escape and thus formed Saturn,Neptune and Uranus?

Universal Astronomer said...

For Black,this could be true as several scientists and astronomers pronouced this theory as well.

Universal Astronomer said...

Milky way,this cannot even happen.like what I told black,the only way for a star to be torn apart is when it gets too close to a black hole.No matter how big the collision,the star will never lose its gases that fast,unless a red,white or brown dwarf sucks it when it gets too close to the companion star.

Universal Astronomer said...

And black,Pluto moons S1 is now called Hydra,and S2 is Nix,like my blogspot,name after the 3 moons of Pluto as I told Milky way below.